Spycops and the EL

Spycops and the Economic League


Spycops: Riby Wilson, Phil Saunders, Conrad Dixon Head of SOS/SDS), Bill Furner and HN332

The Undercover Police Inquiry has just completed its first two weeks of evidence hearings including opening submissions on behalf of, and in some cases by, core participants themselves. Already, and surprisingly, it has revealed detail about the link between special branch and the Economic League in the 1970s. Read Mike Hughes'

Blog for more information on this.

It also included witness statements by some of the undercover police involved in the early day of the Special Operations Squad which was formed in the immediate aftermath of the the March 1968 demonstration organised by the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign.

There has been a great deal of background evidence - some heavily redacted - published along with witness statements by the police and evidence given via Zoom. In an irony lost only to Sir John Mitting and his legal team, the police witnesses even for the late sixties are being afforded a degree or privacy and anonymity that they did not grant their victims, And as a result only live transcripts were transcripts were available with a ten minute delay in case names were mistakenly used.

I am going to be following the inquiry but but will largely picking up themes and evidence identified in respect of the Economic League, The Consulting Association and Blacklisting and the involvement of the police special branches and MI% in relation to them. The next tranche of evidence will follow in the new year, for the evidence so far and transcripts of proceedings so far and description of the way way the the inquiry is being conducted go to the rather disorganised and frustrating web page..


For back ground and more comprehensive coverage have a look at




Read Rob Evans coverage in the Guardian


Rob Evans and Paul Lewis are the writers of "Undercover"lease insert your text here.New paragraph

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