Resources to Download

This is the page Resources to download - inside stories. You can only get to the  other resources to download pages form these links because there are going to be too many to fit in the navigation bar. You can come back here from any of these pages.

Resources to download - League Propaganda

Resources to download - Annual Reports

Resources to download - Secondary Sources including Labour Research and  League watch

Resources to download - Press Cuttings

Resources to download - Directories of Companies and Individuals

See also the resources on   The Blacklist page

Resources to download - Inside Stories

"Fifty Fighting Years " is the Economic League's own short autobiography published in 1969

The Need for a Change of Direction" -written by disaffected League employees in the mid 1980's and a major source of embarrassment for the League

Letter sent from within the Economic to the Editor of "Labour Research" about the British Leyland backlist.

The Future of the League - Paper for discussion at the Policy and Finance Committee in January 1988

On the 8th January 1951 the Economic League Council and its regional organisations took advantage of the provisions of the New 1948 Companies Act to run its affairs. For the previous 31 years it had a been  a conglomeration of unincorporated associations, offering little protection for its members and officers in the event litigation or debts. The purpose and rules of the organisation were published as part of the incorporation:

These are the Articles and Memorandum of Association as published when the League was dissolved in 1993.

The following documents all come from a leak in the North West Region of the league where there was a dispute over the future direction of the League. In around 1986 Peter Savill retired from the league and was replaced by Michael Noar. However Savill joined the the League's Central Council and Noar had left the league by the time of the Employment Select Committee investigation in the 1991/92 parliamentr=ary session. Thee Last Director General of the League was Stan Hardy, the last person to hod role of Director of research and information was Jack Winder who also gave evidence to the Employment Select Committee. Winder also presented evidence to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee twenty years later.

Employment Select Employment 1990.pdf

NW Leaks DG advisory Committee 25'8'87.pdf

NW Leaks  NW region contact details.pdf

NW Leaks  NW region subscriptions  + inquiries 1 pdf

NW Leaks NW region subscriptions + inquiries 2.pdf

NW Leaks Companies  House change of secretary and director 1974.pdf

NW Leaks File Cards.pdf

NW Leaks Industrial Trust.pdf

NW Leaks minutes Central Council 17'11'87.pdf

NW Leaks minutes Policy & Finance 17'11'87.pdf

NW Leaks Noar to subscriber.pdf

NW Leaks Noar CV  10'1'86.pdf

NW Leaks Noar speech 5'6'86 .pdf

NW Leaks Notice of additional P&F Meeting about Brett  26'1'88 .pdf

NW Leaks NW Regional Council.pdf

NW Leaks memo to subscribers 19'12'88.pdf

NW Leaks memo visit of DG to NW region.pdf

NW Leaks EL response to WIA Programes

With the court cases about the Consulting Association and the Economic League  complete and won, and with the Shrewsbury Picket's convictions quashed the Mitting Inquiry is the next stage in the never-ending story of the Economic League and its illiberal and unholy progeny. But the Inquiry lacks a lot of contextual information, Mike Hughes has started to put some of this context together in this short guide

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