RTD - Economic League Propaganda

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- Economic League Propaganda

The Economic League ceased to be in 1993. Which would seemingly make it, and this website, of purely historical interest. However the consequences of its secretive meddling in British politics and Industrial Relations, at times with with the collision of the state, and aways with its encouragement remain with us, and news worthy more than a hundred years after ins foundation and almost thirty years since it dissolved the company which ran its organisation, and pulled down the shutters on its public facing operations.

There is a difference between being a secretive organisation and secret organisation, the later  shuns any sort of public personality and carries out all its work clandestinely, the former does have a public profile and transparent objectives, or "missions" in the parlance of latter-day organisational development.  But a secretive organisationalso has missions which  it not only doesn't reveal, but denies. The Economic League from is formation  in 1919, as  a "crusade for capitalism",  argued that it was "non-political", and for "common sense" trade unions, yet everything it did and said public and in secret was designed to frustrate and turn back the clock the democratisation of the United Kingdom following the passing in of the Representation of the People in February 1918, the end of the Great War, and the Christmas election of that year.

Any political social history of the twentieth century needs to take account of the thinking and organisation of the most militant and aggressive conservatives and Conservatives, and there is no better place to look than in the publications of the Economic League. This part of the webspace will probably see most development  as, over time more examples are tracked down and put  on this site.

This is a starter for ten, more will follow. We are conscious that some will feel uncomfortable about giving some of their radical conservative views and thoughts the oxygen get of publicity. But their thoughts were old hat when they were expressing them, and they were invariably on the wrong side of history.  Even when it came to the drawing open theIron Curtain, it was radicalism not conservatism,  and people-power not the the power of an industrial elite, that achieved it.  But,  as the cliche states, we need to understand history's mistakes to avoid repeating them. Within the League's Propaganda there is plenty of evidence to find.

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